22 February 2013

Fifth Mobility - Spain (Ferrol)

Mobility within the Leonardo Da Vinci Project in Ferrol, Spain (Coruña, Galicia)

The new period of mobility within this European Project took place from the 4th to the 8th of February 2013, in the North West of Spain, exactly in Ferrol a city and harbour of the Spanish province of Coruña, Galicia. This very famous city is known for its Royal Dockyards (at a certain point the biggest in Europe), the first European Naval Academy, and as the strategic defense point during the Pensinsual War against France.
It’s also the birth place of General Franco and of the founder of the Socialist Workers Party.
This week was organized under the responsibility of Mrs Ermitas, who took the time to guide the group during these four days.

As a matter of success for this kind of European Programmes the event was not only attended by students and other young people, but also by teachers of different educational areas coming from the most various European countries : Portugal, Austria, Germany, France and Luxembourg (with 3 participants). During these 4 days in Ferrol I had the opportunity to get in contact with people connected with music. It was a very nice experience which gave me the strength to move forward with my projects linked to musical matters, I shared new experiences with the whole group and friendships were built.
If there was already in me the 'bug' of music, so now after this mobility I’ve decided to improve my musical skills and to develop my talent with a great desire to go further with my own dreams!
A concert was scheduled on the 7th of February during which the participants were able to present their own work and creations, with one of the others participants coming from Luxembourg (Rodolfo, the guitar player and trombonist) we performed two songs with a real success. A teacher in Economics coming from Austria was very impressed by our work and asked to join us during the rehearsals. As a matter of fact, we invite him to take also part in the final public performance. A big experience for all of us! This experience was very positive for all of us! Do not hesitate to repeat something similar!